01 Q&A
At WebTalk since
2014 .
Who am I
I’m water, fire, a mountain, a pearl on the bottom of a pit.
Free like a river, I’ll never never never quit. -
Your first job in communication
In 2007, I started out as a Junior Account Manager at Pegasus.
Describe your role at WebTalk in 3 words
I get people hooked creatively.
The coolest part of your job
I love solving problems, especially as part of creative assignments. Fun fact: I create fewer problems than I solve, so at the end of the day everyone is happy. And my team is great, I love those guys. I really do.
What do you like the most about WebTalk?
People are great, the atmosphere is out of this world and – most importantly – you can see our growth every day. Every month, we are one step further.
Your favourite project of 2022
I love all my children equally :)
How do you take your coffee?
Black drip coffee. Preferably South American. Not African, if possible. Medium-coarse, reasonably roasted, low on acid, with clear hints of nuts and chocolate. Velvety flavour, not too tangy on the tongue, drunk in large volumes so not too strong. If it’s more acidic, let it have some cherry notes.
Tell us something we don’t know
I played a concert at the Potato Festival at a shell theatre in Szczytno. There were quite a few people. I was young. To this day, I’ve no idea how it happened.