01 Q&A
At WebTalk since
2019 roku.
Who am I
I’m a moustachioed man who’d love to hear what assignment you have for us.
Your first job in communication
In 2004, I started out as a producer and host of the show Skręć Coś on 4Fun.TV.
Describe your role at WebTalk in 3 words
I love new briefs
The coolest part of your job
The ability to meet new people and solve their problems together.
What do you like the most about WebTalk?
Youth, enthusiasm and the ambition to be the best in the industry.
Your favourite project of 2022
Wokas – Rośliny Cię Pokochają (Plants Will Love You). For giving us love as well as an EFFIE Award.
How do you take your coffee?
My coffee is 100% Coke.
Tell us something we don’t know
I’ve watched some 3,000 Polish films and I firmly believe that is enough for a lifetime.